

(402) 465-2430
rhayes [at] modernfilmfest.net (rhayes[在]nebrwesleyan[点]edu)


As a 心理学 major at NWU, you’ll study the most fascinating thing on the planet: the human mind. 这是关于理解我们的行为. 我们如何学习. How we make decisions and cope with their consequences.

NWU心理学也是关于我们如何服务的. 我们如何照顾自己. 我们的家庭. 我们的邻居. 我们的病人.

If the idea of understanding ideas makes you excited, then a NWU 心理学 degree is for you. 这就是满足你好奇心的校园. 你的研究. 你的服务. 还有你的想法.


Four out of five NWU psychology majors go immediately into graduate school or psychology-related careers after graduation. They study in top programs like the Chicago School of 心理学, 南卡罗来纳医科大学, 内布拉斯加大学奥马哈分校.

Our majors regularly present their research to groups like the Midwestern Psychological Association. And they publish work in media like the Psi气 Journal of Psychological 研究 and the Journal of Psychological Inquiry.

You can study how people learn through the 极限老鼠挑战, a psychology project where students train rats to compete in athletic events. (ESPN, Modern Marvels and NPR have all covered this fun and unique NWU 心理学 tradition.)


NWU 心理学 has professors with a wide variety of specialties, giving you an excellent range of teachers and researchers to work with. That includes a social psychologist who has studied romantic attraction and a behavioral neuroscientist who plays drums in a rock band and researches how wilderness experiences impact creativity.



NWU psychology students in the Basic Learning Principles class train a rat for their final demonstration project for the hugely popular 极限老鼠挑战.