Pre-Health Committee

Contact Pre-Health Advisor

Professor Cindy Marolf
(402) 465-2450
cjm [at] (cjm[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu)

Pre-Health Committee

The pre-health professions committee at Nebraska Wesleyan University serves pre-medical, pre-dental, pre-veterinary, pre-pharmacy, pre-podiatry, pre-optometry, pre-physician assistant, and allied health students.

The committee is made up of four NWU faculty members. The chair of the committee is Professor Cindy Marolf. You can schedule an appointment with Professor Marolf to ask questions regarding application to professional school.


We have a collection of materials you are welcome to check out and read, including:

  • Medical school publications
  • Resource books including ADEA Guide to Dental Schools, Medical School Admission requirements, Medical Professions Admission Guide, and Preparing a Successful Professional School Application
  • Sample test materials and review books
  • Personal statement writing guides

The Committee Letter

Based on the materials you provide NWU (packet due June 1), your members, and the letters of recommendation you have had sent to NWU, the Pre-Health Committee will prepare a "collated letter," or summary letter about you. It incorporates highlights of your personal data, what your letters have said about you, and a recommendation by the committee. For medical school applicants, this collated letter and original letters will be posted on VirtualEvals, a secure on-line service that will make your password-protected file accessible to ONLY the schools you are applying to. VirtualEvals will send you an email when your letters have been posted and another when each school downloads your file. NWU will cover the cost of this service (approximately $20 per student). If you are applying to dental schools or if a medical school you apply to does not subscribe to VirtualEvals, paper copies will be sent. Take advantage early of the advice and services the NWU Pre-Health committee offers, as few colleges provide its medical school applicants with such integrated services.