Text in graphic says: Top 30 BFA Acting and Musical 剧院 —Onstage Blog


(402) 465-2395
剧院 [at] modernfilmfest.net (剧院[在]nebrwesleyan[点]edu)


Students who join our NWU 剧院 Academic Program will receive a well-rounded education no matter their major. With small classroom sizes every student will have the opportunity to have one-on-one experiences with their professors. WTC (Wesleyan 剧院 Company) offers plenty of opportunities to allow students to try their hand a multitude of different talents within 剧院 from acting, 导演, 科技工作, 和更多的.



这个学位将为你在舞台上的职业生涯做准备, 广播, 电影, 在电视、商业或教学领域. 学生将:

  • 在NWU广泛的生产计划中应用课堂培训 
  • 探索从古典到当代的戏剧文学
  • 学习、练习和使用不同的方言
  • experience how a 剧院 works in its entirety including 导演 and technical work
  • prepare for professional careers through auditioning and knowledge of the industry
  • work with professional guest artists that represent a wide variety of professional careers


Acting degrees prepare students for graduate work in 剧院 or professional studies in preparation for law, 部, 或教学.


Acting often requires actors to move from place to place for short-term or freelance contracts. 生活的戏剧, 电视, 广播, or 电影/视频 industry jobs are some of the main avenues for actors in today’s world. Production companies are experimenting with new content delivery methods in mobile and online entertainment, 这将为未来的演员带来更多的工作. An individual with an acting degree could choose from many career opportunities including:

  • 电视演员(广告、电视剧、荧幕才艺)
  • 电影演员/额外的
  • 内外百老汇,儿童,晚餐剧院演员
  • 夜总会表演者
  • 邮轮表演者
  • 夏季股票表演者
  • 即兴喜剧小品表演者
  • 喜剧演员
  • 配音工作
  • 戏剧的治疗师
  • 广播/电视/事件播音员


导演主导电影的创作, 电视节目, 现场戏剧和其他表演艺术作品. 在NWU,您将:

  • hone your 导演 skills through multiple and progressive 导演 opportunities
  • apply classroom training through practice with opportunities in more than 50 productions each year
  • 探索从古典到当代的戏剧文学
  • 获得戏剧艺术的历史基础
  • 欣赏莎士比亚,从他的作品中学习
  • experience and work in all aspects of 剧院, including acting and technical work
  • prepare you for professional careers through auditioning and other skills and knowledge for the industry
  • 与来自全国各地的专业客座艺术家合作


A 导演 degree prepares students for graduate work in 剧院 or professional study in preparation for law, 事工或教学.


有关指导学位职业机会的详细信息, the Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook can be found here: 制片人和导演.

Directing jobs may be in 电视, 广播 or 电影/视频 industries, as well as the theater. 个体户董事的就业率预计将增长16% 比电影业还快. An individual with an 导演 degree could choose one of the following careers or many others:

  • 邮轮表演总监
  • 暑期库存总监
  • 小/百老汇,晚餐,儿童剧院导演
  • 电视/广播编导(广告、电视剧、新闻、脱口秀等.)
  • 电影导演
  • 动画长片导演
  • 电视/电影纪录片导演
  • 工业视频导演


Musical performances can include orchestra, opera and rock concerts in addition to musicals. Musicians and singers with exceptional musical talent will find some of the best opportunities here at NWU. 


A musical 剧院 degree prepares students for graduate work in 剧院 or professional study in preparation for law, 事工或教学.


有关音乐剧工作机会的详细信息, 另见美国劳工统计局职业展望手册: 音乐家和歌手, 演员, 音乐总监及作曲家.

音乐家在乐队、管弦乐队、小团体和管弦乐队中演奏. 乐队经常被委托在婚礼上演奏, 私人派对, clubs or bars while they try to build enough fans to get a recording contract or representation by an agent. 一些音乐家和歌手写自己的音乐来录制和表演. Production companies are experimenting with new content delivery methods, 比如手机和在线电视, 这可能会给表演者带来更多的工作. An individual with an musical 剧院 degree could choose from many career opportunities including:

  • 邮轮表演者
  • 夏季股票表演者
  • 音乐剧最佳男演员
  • 合唱导演
  • 教堂的音乐家
  • 作曲家和编曲
  • 导体
  • 电影音乐编辑
  • 夜总会表演者
  • 画外音工作


戏剧专业的学生对表演有广泛的理解, 阶段管理, 导演, 舞台灯光, 服装, 布景设计和剧本撰写. 


A 剧院 arts degree prepares students for graduate work in 剧院 or professional study in preparation for law, 事工或教学.


有关戏剧艺术学位职业机会的详细信息, 另见美国劳工统计局职业展望手册: 演员, 播音员, 布景和展览设计师, 制片人和导演.

Jobs may be found in 电视, 广播, 电影/视频, live theater 和更多的. 个体户董事的就业率预计将增长16%, 比电影业还快, 随着独立电影数量的增长. Production companies are experimenting with new content delivery methods, 比如手机和在线电视, 这可能会导致未来戏剧专业人士有更多的工作. An individual with an 剧院 arts degree could choose from many career opportunies including:

  • 电视演员(广告、电视剧、荧幕才艺)
  • 电影演员/额外的
  • 动画长片配音
  • 工业视频屏幕人才,画外音
  • 有声书画外音
  • 电视/电影纪录片屏幕上的人才,画外音
  • 娱乐/主题公园表演总监
  • 邮轮表演总监


The Bachelor of Arts with an emphasis in 剧院 arts education prepares students f或教学 剧院 arts in middle and secondary schools. 学生将获得对表演的广泛理解, 阶段管理, 导演, 舞台灯光, 服装, 布景设计和剧本写作,以及教学技术, 教学方法与人的发展和学习.


A 剧院 arts education degree prepares students for graduate work in 剧院 or professional study in preparation for law, 事工或教学.


For detailed information about 戏剧艺术 career opportunities, 另见美国劳工统计局职业展望手册: 中学教师, 高中教师, 演员, 播音员, 布景和展览设计师, 制片人和导演.

The NWU 剧院 arts education degree is designed specifically to prepare students to teach 剧院 arts in middle and secondary schools. 然而, there are a number of other opportunities available should a student wish not to work in a public or private school environment include, 但不限于:

  • 公立/私立学校戏剧艺术教师
  • 公立/私立学校戏剧教师/教练
  • 公立/私立学校演讲教师
  • Drama Teacher/Coach (summer camps, private practice, community programs)
  • 戏剧艺术社区工作坊教师
  • 学校表演艺术总监
  • 电视演员(广告、电视剧、荧幕才艺)
  • 电影演员/额外的


剧场设计和技术专业人员设计布景, 油漆的场景, 制作能让戏剧栩栩如生的服装. Using computers, students will also learn to design and manage sound and light. 一些服装, 布景和展览设计师, 还有音响和灯光专业人士, 是否长期受雇于剧院, 全年演出的舞蹈和歌剧公司. Or, some companies may prefer to contract self-employed or freelancers on a show-by-show basis. 


A degree in 剧院 design and technology prepares students for graduate work in 剧院 or professional study in preparation for law, 事工或教学.


Production companies are experimenting with new content delivery methods, 比如手机和在线电视, 这可能会导致更多的服装工作, 未来舞台/布景设计和技术专业人士. 学生将在一系列领域获得就业机会,例如:

  • 服装设计
  • 戏剧/舞台/音乐会灯光设计师
  • 风景设计师/艺术家/集
  • Engineer (剧院, meetings, concerts, sports events, conventions, broadcast)


剧院 studies degree majors will attain a broad understanding of acting, 阶段管理, 导演, 舞台灯光, 服装, 布景设计和剧本撰写. 


A degree in 剧院 studies prepares students for graduate work in 剧院 or professional study in preparation for law, 事工或教学.


电视行业, 广播, 电影/视频, 生活的戏剧, 节日, 工业显示, 社区组织, 非营利组织, 晚餐和儿童剧院, 游轮, performing art centers and touring companies are just the tip of the iceberg of what students can do with a 剧院 studies degree. Production companies are experimenting with new content delivery methods, 比如手机和在线电视, 这可能会导致未来戏剧专业人士有更多的工作. An individual with an 剧院 studies degree could choose from many career opportunities including:

  • 电视演员(广告、电视剧、荧幕才艺)
  • 电影演员/额外的
  • 动画长片配音
  • 工业视频屏幕人才,画外音
  • 有声书画外音
  • 电视/电影纪录片屏幕上的人才,画外音
  • 代理
  • 订房部经理