美国未来商业领袖/Phi Beta Lambda


Smith-Curtis, 230 e
rromer [at] modernfilmfest.net (rromer[在]nebrwesleyan[点]edu)
(402) 465-2207

美国未来商业领袖/Phi Beta Lambda

美国未来商业领袖/Phi Beta Lambda (FBLA-PBL)是国际非营利性教育协会的一个分会.

FBLA-PBL是历史最悠久、规模最大的全国性商业学生组织,在全球拥有超过25万名成员和顾问. 它的使命是通过创新的领导力和职业发展计划,将商业和教育结合在一起,形成积极的工作关系, 并帮助学生为商业职业生涯做好准备.

北吴大学PBL分会致力于通过给学生机会来实现这些目标:在校园担任领导职务, state or national level; to attend local, state and national leadership conferences; to participate in PBL competitive events that help to develop the knowledge, 技能, and abilities that are part of today’s business curriculum; to hear and meet leaders in the local business community by hosting speakers on a regular basis; and to participate in community service activities.