A podium and backdrop with the 内布拉斯加州卫斯理大学 logo.
明亮的灯光, Big City Leads to Big Experiences for NWU 剧院 Students

明亮的灯光, Big City Leads to Big Experiences for NWU 剧院 Students

  • 剧院部门, Spring break 在纽约市
    NWU theatre students spent their spring break 在纽约市 where they participated in mock auditions, 研讨会, cabarets and took in the traditional sights and sounds of the city.
  • 剧院 students, spring break 在纽约市
    NWU theatre students participated in a dance workshop with Jordan Fife Hunt. It was one of many experiences that NWU theatre students had during their spring break trip to New York City.
  • 剧院 students, spring break 在纽约市
    剧院 student Anna Hahn participates in a workshop with lyricist Nathan Tysen. This was one of many 研讨会 that the theatre students participated in during their spring break to New York City.
  • 剧院 students, spring break 在纽约市
    NWU 剧院 Professor Ryan Kathman helped organize the theatre students' trip to New York City. He's pictured with Broadway actors Q. Smith and Lawrence Stallings who worked with NWU students.
  • 剧院 students, spring break 在纽约市
    Senior Aly Faber participates in a workshop with director Joey Murray. "In addition to just trying to prepare our students holistically for wherever their careers may take them, we also must prepare them specifically for the realities of the New York market," said NWU 剧院 Professor Ryan Kathman.
  • 剧院部门, Spring break 在纽约市
    NWU theatre students spent their spring break 在纽约市 where they participated in mock auditions, 研讨会, cabarets and took in the traditional sights and sounds of the city.
  • 剧院 students, spring break 在纽约市
    NWU theatre students participated in a dance workshop with Jordan Fife Hunt. It was one of many experiences that NWU theatre students had during their spring break trip to New York City.
  • 剧院 students, spring break 在纽约市
    剧院 student Anna Hahn participates in a workshop with lyricist Nathan Tysen. This was one of many 研讨会 that the theatre students participated in during their spring break to New York City.
  • 剧院 students, spring break 在纽约市
    NWU 剧院 Professor Ryan Kathman helped organize the theatre students' trip to New York City. He's pictured with Broadway actors Q. Smith and Lawrence Stallings who worked with NWU students.
  • 剧院 students, spring break 在纽约市
    Senior Aly Faber participates in a workshop with director Joey Murray. "In addition to just trying to prepare our students holistically for wherever their careers may take them, we also must prepare them specifically for the realities of the New York market," said NWU 剧院 Professor Ryan Kathman.

It comes as no surprise that the bright lights of Broadway intrigued a group of 内布拉斯加州卫斯理大学 theatre students to spend their spring break in the Big Apple.

But the group of 40 students and their professors are quick to tell you the trip wasn’t just about the sights and sounds.

剧院 professor Ryan Kathman collaborated with NWU theatre alumni in New York city along with other professionals in the business to create an opportunity for NWU’s students to gain tangible experience.

“说到戏剧, there are only a handful of cities in the world where you can truly make your living in the industry as a performer, and New York City is the pinnacle of those cities,”卡特曼说。, 2003年北吴剧院校友. “In addition to just trying to prepare our students holistically for wherever their careers may take them, we also must prepare them specifically for the realities of the New York market.”

Kathman worked with professional choreographer Hollie Howard to rent studio spaces 在纽约市 and arrange for 研讨会 by guest artists. 校友Mitch Rafferty, 纽约的演员, helped prepare the students for the experience, while Kathman filmed and screened audition pieces for students to share with guest artists.

“It is hugely beneficial for our students to see Midwestern success stories,”卡特曼说。.  

Students met with Broadway stars, casting directors, talent agents and choreographers. They performed mock auditions and concluded their experience with a cabaret at the Duplex of 格林威治村. Several NWU theatre alumni were in attendance.

“We are lucky at NWU to get a lot of chances to get on stage and perform, 不仅在课堂上, 但是在制作过程中,乔纳森·阿尔杰说, 来自休斯顿的大四学生, 德州, who plans to pursue theatre 在纽约市 or Los Angeles following his graduation in May. “The most important thing for me is that I feel whole and complete wherever I am.”

给凯西·罗斯, 来自奥马哈的大四学生, the experience 在纽约市 affirmed her plans to pursue a career there after graduation.

“We are so lucky to have so many helpful alumni in the city that keep in touch and help each other out,罗斯说。. “I am thankful for this support system that transcends university life. Wesleyan 剧院 Company has created lasting friendships that grow into business partnerships and connections.”

When students weren’t networking and auditioning, they did get the opportunity to take in the sights and sounds of the Big Apple including visits to museums, 格林威治村, 中央公园和百老汇的演出.

“There is something special about being there at night and seeing all of the bright lights,罗斯说。. “We had the fantastic opportunity to see the city that many of us hope to move to and pursue our careers.”


—Story by Danielle Anderson, public relations intern